All of us has a unique talent that could show to the people whether by singing, swimming, public speaking, or more.. Blogging is one of the part of talent as well and very interesting to go forth. When I started to first engaged to this industry my level of my comprehention are not totally broad for this meant. 2007 I remember one of the best filipino blogger was published in media and I wacthed his transformation during the peak of his career became a inspiration to all pilipino blogger his name Mr. Abe Olandres. Definitely he is the best of all the best. What if , you do prefer and willingness inside come up but you're not computer literate? The ultimate challenge is this, you must stretch your capability and potential to release beyond expectation.
How to start Simple Blog?
How to start Simple Blog?
Before you begin the step-by-step procedures given below and start to create your own blog, we recommend that you take a look at a few blogs first. See what you like, what you don’t like, what blogs have etc. To take a look at some blogs, you could go to
There are 100’s of blogs on and all over the internet. Take a look at these, read a few so that you get a better idea about what a blog is. Once you do this, you can begin our step-by-step guide to making money though your blog. We have given the steps to start-up your own blog below.
The first thing you need to do is decide what you are planning to talk about on your blog. Are you going to talk about your everyday life? Are you going to talk about some subject in which you are an expert? What can you talk about on your blog that is worth reading? What can you talk about on your blog that will really make people interested and keep coming back again and again. When choosing the theme of your blog, choose something that you can write a lot about.
For example: If you are a house wife with a good sense of humor, you could start blog called “Adventures of a House Wife!” where you talk about all the funny things that keep happening in your everyday life. If your blog is interesting, you will have a huge fan base of like minded house wifes who come to your blog each day to read what you have to say or if you are a marketing expert, start a blog about marketing. Talk about marketing and how life is, being a marketing expert. You will have a large number of people who are interested in marketing coming to your blog if it is good.
That's the basic idea. Think about your theme and your topic wisely. What kind of topic will interest people? What kind of topic can you write about? There are many places where you can set up a good quality "free of charge" blog. Go to that easily for the beginners advisable to create simple blog.
Blogging can earn money?
It’s quite simple, companies that are selling products, are looking for places to advertise. These companies are interested in advertising in places where a large number of people will see their advertisement. If you start a blog and your blog is very interesting, it will draw a large number of people. Once companies selling products know that a large number of people come to your blog, they will see your blog as a good place to advertise. They will ask you to put up their adds on your blog and they will pay you for your advertising space. So that’s how you make money from your blog! Simple, isn’t it?
If you want to make any money, you need to have a large number of people coming to your blog. If you want a large number of people coming to your blog, you have to have something on your blog that is worth reading. Not only that, you got to constantly add new content to your blog that is worth reading so that people keep coming back to your blog to read more. Not only that, you got to market your blog, you got to tell as many people as possible about your blog. All this takes effort and time! Becoming popular is not that easy. In any case, we will give you the basics of how you can do all this. You will have to take the effort and actually do it. However, before we go into the actual process of setting up your blog, let us just mention the other ways in which you can make money from your blog.
If you have a really popular blog with thousands of fans, you can start selling t-shirts, mugs, caps etc. with your face or your logo on it. Make your blog a book and sell it:
If you have a really popular blog with thousands of fans, you can turn your blog into a book or e-book and sell it.Endorse products:If you have thousands of fans who read everything you write, and do everything you do, you can endorse and promote certain products and the companies manufacturing the products will pay you for it. These are just some ideas, what you do with the people who come to your blog is your look-out. There are 100’s of ways to make money once you have a popular blog, but the key is, you have to have a popular blog.
Technically speaking, this way of making money is the way in which a large number of sites on the Internet make money. It’s not only for blogs, it’s for all kinds of sites. But we are talking about blogs here because blogs are easier and cheaper to create and maintain than websites. A decent blog can be set up completely free of charge and does not require knowledge of HTML or programming to run and maintain. The only thing a successful blog requires is "hard work" and anyone can put in hard work. So the next obvious question is…
Who can visit or view my Blog?
When you have visitors coming to your site, those visitors are called "traffic" in Internet terms. As discussed earlier, if you want to make money online, you need to have people coming to your site i.e. you need to have a large amount of traffic. The cool thing about traffic is that the rich get richer! High traffic leads to even more higher traffic. Once you get a decent amount of traffic, your traffic will grow each day. It will grow and grow and grow. But when you are just starting a blog, getting high traffic is a difficult. So, the question is How to have high traffic levels if you’re just starting?
You have to have great content on your blog. You have to have great content on your blog. You have to have great content on your blog! We have repeated this 3 times because this is the key to success. This is the key to traffic. This is the key to money. This is the key to everything.
If you have good information on your blog, the popularity of your blog will grow. It will grow slowly, but it will grow! As mentioned earlier, if you just keep adding good content to your blog day-after-day for a year, you will have a very successful, very popular blog.Initially, forget all about making money. Think only about making you blog popular. Concentrate on writing great content. Don’t even bother putting up something if you feel it’s quality is not good. If you are able to create good quality content, consistently, people will start to recognize your blog as the place to go when they want quality information. Over time your traffic will gradually increase. You will see your traffic increase every month. Soon you will have enough traffic to make a huge amount of money.
The second most important marketing tool on the Internet: “Links”
Initially, you will have to try to get as many links as you can from other sites and blogs. Links are the best way to get traffic when you are just starting a new blog. You need to get other sites to link to you. This is the way in which you are going to get your first readers. If a popular site or blog with a large amount of traffic, links to your blog, then many people from that high-traffic site will click on the link and come to your blog. Generally speaking, you must try to get links from sites that get a large amount of traffic. Basically, you want to advertise your blog on other sites or blogs. This is how you will get your initial traffic.
How to Advertise your blogs & make money?
Now let us assume that you have a huge amount of traffic and you want to make some money off it, how do you do this?
Seriously speaking there are a billion ways of doing this. We will discuss some of the basic and most straight forward ways. You can be creative and come up with other ways on your own.
The simplest and easiest way: Use Adsense
Adsense is basically a Google advertising program. If you have a blog on then using adsense is very simple and so we recommend that you use to blog.
Signing up for Adsense is pretty simple. You can do it right from the panel that gives you though their “Adsense Tool”. Check out the picture blow:

The adds that appear on your blog depend on the content of your blog. If your blog is about “cooking” you will get cooking adds. If your blog is about “real estate” you will get “real estate” adds. This is great, because the people who come to a “real estate” blog are probably interested in real estate. If you have real estate adds then they are more likely to click the adds and make you some money. On the other hand, if you have a cooking blog and real estate adds then none of your readers are going to be interested in real estate so no one will click on your adds. The best part about Adsense is that it handles the displaying of the adds on its own and it matches the content and the adds.However, if you want to be really successful with Adsense, your add placement and colors have to be done right. You always want your adds to blend into your blog. You don’t want your adds to stand out and look as if they are not part of your blog. If they stand out, then they are less likely to be clicked and you are less likely to make any money. Adsense allows you to choose all the colors of your add. When choosing your add, make sure that the background color of your add is the same as the background color of the place you are placing the add on your blog. Make sure that the text color of your add is the same as the text color of your blog’s text. Make sure that the colour of the links in your add are the same as the color of the links in your blog. If you do this, your adds will blend in perfectly and is much more likely to get clicked and make you money.
There is a lot more to learn about Adsense and add placement and colors. But, as you start playing the game you will learn it on your own. Choosing the right colors etc. of your add comes with experience and over time you will learn all of this.
One important thing: You may think that if Google is paying per click, then all you have to do is click the adds on your blog again and again and again and you will make a whole lot of money. THIS IS A BAD IDEA! Don’t do this. If Google finds out that you are trying to “click fraud” them you will not have a blog, nor will you have Adsense adds, they will take away any money you have made. Google has all sorts of ways to find out wheter a particular click is a fraud or is real.
Thank's Guy!
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