Cyborg Coming Soon

Christianity believed that Human is God's masterpiece ever than created in this world. God designed human without any imperfection, rather perfect in God's sight and well- pleased unto Him cause "sin" never been intefere in Human history that day. There's no found in "human- error" by doing something else wrong, because God and the human living so closed together and some known called the intimate relatioship between God and Human. Sin destroyed everything in this planet and most affected is Human!.. People lived that day a hundred year's like Methuselah lived a 969 year's old then he died. Now these so very outrageous, people only live about 75-80 year's old according to science calculation by National Center For Health Statistic or NCHS that the life of expectancy was so short. The NCHS base the preliminary data for 2004 of causing leading death recorded 15 causes, one is the heart desease.

People want's to live longer. This generation demand a high quality of human intelect artificial and invention some state- of- the- arts by human defender someday. We are in the edge of human breakthrough today. We've know, human were so tired seeking for alternative way in order to survive and live peacefuly.In March 2002 News and other network such CNN, a man intervied name, Kevin Warwick he said;

...."What we're doing is historic and momentous.It is going to change the world. "Science fiction has predicted this for quite some time. As a scientist, I'm excited about taking a step into the future. "But as a human I do share the ethical concerns about what it will mean for humanity."

Who is this Man?

He is a British scientist and professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading UK.He is probably best known for his studies on direct interfaces between computer systems and the human nervous system, although he has done much research in the field of robotics. Warwick has become fascinated and his team pursued their task to invest knowledge through the future. He said;

"Humans have limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way, vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3 dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech.But can this be improved on? Can we use technology to upgrade humans?..

The Project Cyborg 1.0

Warwick begun to start his project called, "I, Cyborg". Since August 1998 RFID transmitter being implanted beneath Warwick's skin, and used to control doors, lights, heaters, and other computer-controlled devices based on his proximity. The main purpose of this experiment was said to be to test the limits of what the body would accept, and how easy it would be to receive a meaningful signal from the chip and this was so very sucessfull it called Project Cyborg 1.0

The Project Cyborg 2.0

On the 14th of March 2002 the second project called Project Cyborg 2.0. A one hundred electrode array was surgically implanted into the median nerve fibres of the left arm of Professor Kevin Warwick. The operation was carried out at Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, by a medical team headed by the neurosurgeons Amjad Shad and Peter teddy. The procedure, which took a little over two hours, involved inserting a guiding tube into a two inch incision made above the wrist, inserting the microelectrode array into this tube and firing it into the median nerve fibres below the elbow joint.

The experiment proved successful, and the signal produced was detailed enough that a robot arm .Warwick's nervous system was connected onto the internet in Columbia University, New York. From there he was able to control the robot arm in Reading University and to obtain feedback from sensors in the finger tips. He also successfully connected ultrasonic sensors on a baseball cap and experienced a form of extra sensory input.

In these contrevesy many people are agreed and some are not. In his statement where he was interviewed and reporter asking him said;

Do you think that Cyborgs will be the next step in human evolution?

KW: Genetic changes offer short term, slight modifications. However the step to Cyborgs offers humans a natural, technological upgrade in the technological world we have instigated. Yes I feel it will be the next evolutionary step. Indeed we will need to do it if we are to compete with intelligent machines.

What are your next moves after this experiment?

KW: In the future we will be looking to link up more closely with the brain. I really want to look at the possibility of people communicating between each other from one nervous system to another. This could mean (electronic) thoughts to one person's brain to another, possibly across the Internet. This is very exciting and would completely change the way we communicate both between humans and humans and technology.

Do you think, via technology, we could sense things around us that we can not presently?

KW: Yes. I believe we will, via technology, be able, in the future, to detect all sorts of signals that presently we cannot. This will, I feel, change the way we not only sense but also understand the world around us. It will make things possible that we presently feel is impossible!
What gave you the ideas and will to become one of the most innovative scientists in the domain of bionics?

KW: I've always wanted to help others if it was at all possible. All of the work here in the Cybernetics Department, the research, had been able to help people less fortunate than ourselves, those with disabilities. This always needs a large amount of innovation.
In other link of his statement concluded that 50-100 year's from now the world become change and upgraded this way so very excitement and very ground breaking. The income of Cybernetics at the University of Reading in Uk was used for an experiments. A lot's more money in order to put another project on it. In the years ahead we will witness machines with an intelligence more powerful than that of humans. This will mean that robots, not humans, make all the important decisions. It will be a robot dominated world with dire consequences for humankind. Is there an alternative way ahead?

Kevin Warwick said;..."I would fight to the death for imperfect humans against some kind of fake artificial"....

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